Water supply for compact evaluates if states meet the Rio Grande Compact between New Mexico, Colorado, and Texas. The compact is an agreement designed to equitably distribute water among the three states. It was signed in 1938.
How is it scored?
Water Supply for Rio Grande Compact assesses the amount of water different states deliver under Rio Grande Compact requirements. This indicator only scores the Upper Rio Grande in Colorado and the Middle Rio Grande in New Mexico. It is not applicable for the other two reporting regions.
For each region, the 2020 credit/debit status of water deliveries, in annual cumulative deliveries in acre-feet, was compared to thresholds set by the Rio Grande Compact, New Mexico Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission (NMOSE-ISC) and Colorado Department of Natural Division of Water Resources (CDNR-DWR). For New Mexico and Colorado, a value of deliveries >0 indicates a score of A, between 80 and 100%.
For New Mexico, deliveries between 0 and -66,500 were scaled to scores between 79 and 60%. Deliveries between -66,500 and -133,000 were scaled to scores between 59 and 40%. Deliveries between -133,000 and -200,000 were scaled to scores between 39 and 20%. Deliveries less than -200,000 received a Failing (F) score.
For Colorado, deliveries between 0 and -33,500 were scaled to scores between 79 and 60%. Deliveries between -33,500 and -67,000 were scaled to scores between 59 and 40%. Deliveries between -67,000 and -100,000 were scaled to scores between 39 and 20%. Deliveries less than -100,000 received a Failing (F) score.