It is important that people know how their water resources are managed, how they can become better informed, and where they should take any concerns regarding water management. To assess this, UMCES conducted a Survey of Rio Grande Basin residents, asking participants how strongly they agreed or disagreed with various statements. Statements used to assess access to this were: 1) I know which organization(s) is/are responsible for managing water resources in the Rio Grande Basin within my community. 2) I know which organization(s) is/are responsible for managing water resources of the Rio Grande. 3) There are political efforts/structures participating in water resource management in my region of the Rio Grande Basin. 4) There are social efforts/structures (e.g. traditional/cultural or informal etc.) participating in water resource management in your region of the Rio Grande Basin. 5) There are administrative efforts/structures (e.g. tax, permits, policies, by-laws, laws, written rules, written procedures, policies, institutions/organizations) participating in water resource management in your region of the Rio Grande Basin.
How is it scored?
Survey responses were scored based on how much responders agreed with each statement, so that "Strongly agree" responses scored 100%, "Agree" 75%, "Neutral" 50%, "Disagree" 25%, and "Strongly disagree" 0%.