The Colombian Orinoco River Basin Report Card, developed with several national Colombian organizations, is the first of its kind carried out through the Basin Report Card Initiative, a partnership between World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES). Through stakeholder engagement, eleven indicators were shortlisted to measure the health of the Orinoco Basin. The status of these indicators was evaluated by comparing data to scientifically-derived thresholds or goals. The report card includes multiple indicators and combines them into a score for each of the sub-basins in addition to an overall score for the Orinoco River Basin in Colombia.
The first Orinoco River Basin report card provides a transparent evaluation and a snapshot of the health of the basin in a concise, easy-to-understand format to begin a dialogue about the future of the basin. The report card has improved understanding of the river, but is only the first step. This report card can provide a basis of information to influence policy and planning in the region.
The following groups were instrumental in the development of this report card: WWF Colombia, Humboldt Institute, Fundación Omacha, Ministerio de Transporte, IDEAM, Cormacarena, CDA, Corporinoquia, Corpochivor, Armada Nacional de Colombia, Dirección General Marítima, Instituto Sinchi, Parques Nacionales Naturales, AUNAP, ICA, Gobernación de Guainía, Secretaría de Turismo del Vichada, Secretaría de Agricultura del Vichada, Alcaldía de Arauca, Concejo de Arauca, Alcaldía de San José del Guaviare, CUMARE Arauca, Empoaguas, FAO, Banco Mundial con el proyecto Waves, ISAGEN, UMATA de Puerto Carreño, SENA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad del Tolima, Universidad de los Llanos, CIAT, ANH, Mesa Ramsar EFI, Fedepalma, Fedegan, Fedecacao, Asojuntas Arauca, Juntas de Acción Comunal de Barrancominas y Nare, Asopropescar, Amapadig, Acatamu, ASCAL-G., Asoprocegua, Cámara de Comercio de Arauca, Asociación Gremial Agroforestal Vichadense, Fundación Palmarito, Fundación Natura, Fundación Orinoquía Biodiversa, Fondo Acción, ACICTIOS, Fundación la Palmita, Fundación Orinoco, Fundación Cunaguaro, Calidris, WCS, Corporación Las Pedregoza, Yoluka, Corpolindosa, and Corpoayarí.