Your actions can help improve the Sound! There are numerous local programs in small embayments throughout Long Island Sound that monitor water quality and other indicators on a more focused scale than is conducted by state and federal governments. As these embayment monitoring programs grow, their data become increasingly valuable to tell the story of annual Long Island Sound ecosystem health. Getting involved with a local embayment group and helping in cleanups and water quality monitoring will help us restore Long Island Sound! Check out the Norwalk Harbor report card and the Inner Hempstead Harbor report card for more information.
Below are some suggestions for how you might contribute towards improving Long Island Sound health:
Participate in river and coastal clean-up events

By removing discarded trash and debris from our waterways, you will help protect water quality and the aesthetics of the environment.
Be a responsible boater

Never dump trash or debris overboard. Recycle plastics and glass containers and keep them out of our waterways.
Compost yard waste

Compost yard waste, like leaves and grass into valuable soil for lawns and gardens, maintain vegetative buffers along stream banks to prevent erosion, and be mindful of the use of fertilizers and chemicals.
Be a considerate pet owner

Never throw pet waste into storm drains or into rivers, streams, or coastal waters. Pet waste contains bacteria that can cause diseases and threaten the safety of those who come in contact with the water.