Our 5-step process
Step 1
What is the big picture?
What are the key values of your ecosystem? What are the key threats? How can we conceptualize it?
Step 2
What do we measure?
Choosing indicators: Is there data or data gaps? Are the indicators relevant? Do they represent key ecological processes? How do they relate to management objectives? Can they be measured throughout the ecosystem?
Step 3
What is healthy?
Define thresholds of ecosystem health. For example, mangroves help protect coastal communities from storms, and are a vital habitat for juvenile fish and birds. How many mangroves = healthy vs unhealthy?
Step 4
How does it add up?
Let’s calculate scores. Each indicator gets a score from 0% to 100%. Then we average all of the indicators to show how healthy the ecosystem is. How healthy is your ecosystem?
Step 5
What is the story?
Now we need to communicate results. Who’s your target audience? How do we make politicians sit up and take notice? Clear and simple communication is key.